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Services provided by the institute:

1) Educational services:

The Institute provides individual educational services through which the necessary skills and methods are acquired according to an educational curriculum that works to develop their abilities to the maximum possible degree.

2) Professional preparation:

In the belief of the institute’s administration that the disabled person is a productive individual capable of working and giving, a vocational preparation unit was created for students over the age of twelve to sixteen years, in which the student is prepared for the next professional stage in other centers.

3) Guidance services:

The Institute provides guidance services to students’ families out of its belief in the family’s impact on growth and development, increasing self-confidence, and establishing strong ties between the student’s family and the Alamal Institute family.

4) Health services:

Taking care of the student’s mental and physical health in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, as well as weekly visits to the psychiatrist, with a nurse permanently present at the institute.

5) Preparing technical personnel:

The Institute works to raise the efficiency of the educational staff by providing specialized scholarships in special education, as well as their participation in workshops, seminars and specialized training courses inside and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain.

6) Financial and in-kind assistance:

The Institute provides financial and in-kind assistance to students from low-income families.

7) Recreational and exploratory services:

The Institute provides exploratory and recreational services to students by organizing purposeful programs appropriate to their abilities and inclinations.

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